Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Elle Having A Hay Day..

Elle is learning about farm animals at school.  Today when she got there they had an amazing set up of all kinds of fun farm animals!  She had an absolute blast and wasn't afraid at all...except when the pigs would squeal really loud.. she did get a little nervous!

Elle holding a funky looking chicken..hee hee!

The llama that seemed to always have a chicken on his back.

The pot belly pig that squealed when you picked him up.

Petting and brushing a good ole goat!

She wasn't quite sure about the black pigs..

This pot belly pig was quiet and friendly..the black ones were noisy and hyper.

1 comment:

The Baker Bunch said...

AWESOME pics...how fun for little Miss Elle! Now I know who can help me take care of my classroom chickens in the Spring! She would LOVE them!